“Robertson County introduces new sheriff’s office and jail with ribbon-cutting ceremony Tuesday”
by Andy Krauss, kbtx.com
FRANKLIN, Texas (KBTX) – Robertson County officials introduced their brand new sheriff’s office and jail Tuesday afternoon with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and walk-through tours.
Robertson County Judge Charles Ellison says the project was two-and-a-half years in the making from its conception to the completion of construction. The project cost a little over $20 million, according to Ellison.
“This is a 92 cell facility, while the other one maxed out between 45 and 49,” Ellison said. “All the facilities within the jail are state of the art. It’s going to be a lot easier on everybody that’s concerned, including the incarcerated.”
Ellison says the Texas Commission on Jail Standards threatened to condemn the county’s old jail building because it was found to be out of compliance on numerous occasions…